
Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Time Management…


Time management… can any one of you define Time….?? Or can either of you manage time….!....? is it possible…..?....!

If you can define Time and manage time .., then definitely ,my friend you are one of those success people around the world or you are going to be one soon….! Hats of to you... because its one of the key “Strategies for Success “

But for a common person like me it is difficult to define time, because, Time is most valuable and precious commodity..!

It happened so once I had a doctor’s appointment at 1pm I was late because of various petty reasons which I considered important before reaching the hospital, but later realized the importance of time, when I was made to wait 2 hours more for the consultation, since doctor was busy with other appointments. That’s when I was unconsciously forced to give a thought on Time…!

I was wondering that every person around the globe like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Mother Theresa and many more successful people, you and me all have same amount of time…
But still… How is that they make wonders while some of us cant or don’t achieve anything in life?????? This question started haunting me day in and out..!

That’s when I started re-searching my own life style... when I realized that “Time can’t be stored, time doesn’t wait for anybody, instead we have to make use of it… rather than justifying ourselves by giving trivial reasons.”

As we all know we all have 60 seconds in1 minute, 60 minutes in 1 hour, and 24hours a day.

I felt that all the while time was managing me, rather than me managing the time...
Time Management is more than managing ourselves; it is managing us in relation to time...

It means.. Changing our habits, and our daily activities that causes to waste time,


Because: -- As we all know every thing requires time; but, some activities are Externally controlled for example (work place meetings, Duties, Family obligations etc.. like wise ) which we cant do much about it rather than manage ourselves…!
Where as other activities are Internally Controlled for example (chatting on phone for long hours, just messing around, and long hours of coffee or tea break at work place, Procrastination..!)

Procrastination is the biggest time stealer…!

Some of the tips For Time Management/ managing us with relation to time are:--

Set priority lists to meeting the dead lines at work or for that matter even in your personal life;
Setting a Realistic Goal; for example( working 40hour week and taking a full time academic …    is an impossible situation and a definite No, NO….!;
Use weekly Calendars;
Maintain daily To-Do-List ;
Avoid Distractions or Procrastination;
Avoid Stress or Burn Out..
Cutting things Short;
Learn to say Gentle NO…!;
Delegating Work. either at office or even at Home;
Work in Team;
Make Smart Decisions;
Continually Improve yourself
Think Before Acting;
Identify bad Habits;
Uncover Better Options;
( as to Urgent, Not Urgent, Important and, Not Important Task.)


Dear friends as a psychologist and a  former HR, I was able to identify few of these tips and reasons as to why I was not able to meet dead lines at times; which helped me a great deal in improving my self, so If this worked for me I think it will work for you too….!

Any more add-ons and suggestions’ are well come which will help each other in learning… so people lets learn from each other :)

You can have some fun and train your cognition with the help of this site….!

Enjoy ....!

Have a beautiful day....!


  1. True, time management is the key.. I wish in schools they taught a course on time management too as a compulsory topic

  2. Thant is true manuanuj...! it has to be tought in school but, unlike that peopleintrodusethat only when people start working....!
