
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Psychology of possessiveness and control in Relationships.

Possessiveness... well this word definitely give a positive image, to most of us..

Why do we get possessive??? And what is this possessiveness all about?
Why do we get possessive or why our partners get possessive over us even in spite of knowing for the fact that the person is committed to us or them???

These questions started haunting me, when I had a tiny chit chat with some of my friends.., Thought possessiveness was only in my relationship but after chatting with them I realized it existed every where and amongst all relationships….!

Yes… amongst all arrays of relationships…! Surprised???? Don’t you get jealous when some one else comes closer to your best friend? Or have you not observed a child possessive and protective of his mother, when she cuddles another child????
Or for that matter… most of the Dog lovers would have had observed, if u pamper a child in front of you pets they get jealous…!

I had 2 dogs Robin and Pluto… both were jealous of each other …! When this exists amongst animals… they why not among human relationships????

If you Love someone dearly, it is possible and it is common to get Jealous, Possessive and insecure about the person.

To some extent we all love and enjoy possessiveness, attention and protection we get from our partners…!
Isn’t that true??? At least me, I would be really happy to get the attention. A little bit of all that is necessary in moderate amount in a relation ship to spice up the relationship…!
But dear friends have you ever thought what would happen if any of these factors exceeds moderate level????
Yes you are right... none of the parties remains happy, for that matter with each other that is also one of the reasons why many relationships break…! Or at times it might even lead to divorce and touchwood…. Even Abusive Relationships…!
But dear friends, have you ever thought what would happen, if any of these factors exceeds moderate level????

Yes you are right... none of the parties remains happy, for that matter with each other that is also one of the reasons why many relationships break…! Or at times it might even lead to divorce and touchwood…. Even Abusive Relationships…!

“One must give Each other Space in a relationship. “ (Advice I got from one of my psychology teacher and my cousin …!)

You should never cling to anybody and suffocate them. One might feel that their personal space is being encroached upon…! Too much of anything does not have the charm for long. It is important to consider your beau as a separate individual,

Put your self in there shoes and think… as to how would it be if some one put a tab or kept watch on all of your activities??? Is it a pleasant feeling? You will get the feeling of not Trusted (Important ingredient for a healthy relation ship…!) you get hurt..!

Don’t dictate your friend / beau as to what he or she should or should not do… don’t try to rub your personal feeling inside you beau. And don’t make them make a choice between you and his or her friend… because gradually the situation will turn out to be such that you would be leading their life…! Do you like if someone else invades your space and thoughts and actions and dictates you? Like wise your beau too doesn’t appreciates it.
Dont be manipulative.

Reserch by psychologysts' has shown that people who are extremely possessive, lack Self esteem and they fear abandanment.
So Some of you who are extremely possesive remember that possessiveness is not a problem with your partner, but insted it is with in you, so try to break the habit. Approach a psychologyst....! to get external help.

As someone as rightly said that

“You need to believe in the relationship and the sanctity and strength of it. If you do, you will not feel the need to spy on your beau or to keep a tab on them or to tell them what to do and whom to talk to.”

I feel little space will bring the relation ship closer…! So friends trust your partners…! Give space for each other as I had told in my previous blog on Marriage..
” Give each other space and grow and allow them to grow…! “ have respect for each other.

I would like to share an article which I happen to read from a link:-
Here you can even find steps to break over possessiveness…!


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